5 Ways to Become a Better Writer

Being called a good writer in your IELTS Academic review feels good, right? It is because you know that you did a great job. However, some people believe that you don’t need to stay stuck as a bad writer, or even stay satisfied with being a good one. All writers are on the path to improvement.

When searching for a definition of good writing, many answers may come out. Improving your writing is a lifelong process of studying, reading, editing, and researching. Improve your skills and upgrade your writing by following these five simple tips.

5 Ways to Become a Better Writer

How to be a better writer

  • Practice writing and ask for feedback
Experienced writers continue to look to improve their writing and master their craft as there is always room for improvement. An additional way to develop your writing skills is by acknowledging constructive feedback. The Internet is a rich source of feedback, as well as your peers, coaches, and even your family. The trick lies in identifying which ones are constructive and which ones are noise and should be ignored.

  • Good writing is like good teaching
Whenever you write something, whether short or long, your goal should be to make your readers understand. In a way, you are trying to teach them something useful that they may need in the future. It is your way of sharing and imparting your knowledge and your belief.

  • Writes for a specific reader
Knowing your audience and writing for your audience does not mean you should focus only on that one type of reader only; however, as you get to know your readers’ preferences, you then develop the skillset that will enable you to communicate with them more effectively. Keep this in mind during your IELTS academic review.

  • Good writing is full of information
Facts, research, and data put context in your work and give it credibility. Your ideas and opinions are more convincing if rooted I     n hard facts. An important thing to consider, however, is that in today’s digital age, you should be wary of misinformation and should do everything to verify the veracity of your claims.

  • Keep it simple but not simplistic
Good writing deconstructs difficult topics and makes it understandable for the readers. It is plain enough for laypeople to make sense of but is not condescending to the point of being insulting. Remember, your goal is to inform, not humiliate.

Want more? Complement these writing tips with JRooz IELTS Online Review. Subscribe and read our blogs to learn more ways to reach your goals.


“9 Qualities of Good Writing.” Ann Handley. Accessed on October 23, 2019. Accessed from https://annhandley.com/9-qualities-of-good-writing/

“What is Good Writing?” Grammarly Blog. Accessed on October 23, 2019. Accessed from https://www.grammarly.com/blog/good-writing/

“What is Good Writing?” The Writing Cooperative. Accessed on October 23, 2019. Accessed from https://writingcooperative.com/what-is-good-writing-6379d77cd0c5


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