Using the Pre-reading Survey in Your IELTS Online Preparation

Enhancing your reading comprehension plays a crucial role in boosting your four core communication skills and learning abilities. As a student enrolled in an IELTS review online program, it is important to find a great reading strategy that can help boost reading comprehension and ace the IELTS Academic Test. One of the best reading strategies that most students used in their study time is the pre-reading survey.

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What Is a Pre-reading Survey?

The pre-reading survey is a practical reading strategy that is used to fully grasp concepts, ideas, and arguments expressed in a text. This reading technique requires you to examine several critical points in a text. Do you want to use the pre-reading survey in your IELTS package? The following is a list of the critical points that you need to look over when performing the pre-reading survey:

      1.    Headings and subheadings – Write down all the headings and subheadings indicated in the text. Doing this will give you an overall look at the topics and subtopics of the text.

      2.    First paragraph – The first paragraph of the text usually provides an introduction to what the text is all about. Skim and rewrite the first paragraph to get the main idea of the text.

      3.    Bold and italicized words – Check each paragraph of the text and look for bold and italicized words or phrases. Write them down on their corresponding headings and subheadings.

      4.    First sentence of each paragraph – The main idea of a paragraph is usually placed in the first sentence. Read and analyze all the first sentences of the paragraphs of the text.

      5.    Visual aids – Pay attention for any visual materials presented in the text like a bulleted list of information, pictures, and graphic organizers such as diagrams, maps, and tables.

      6.    Last paragraph – The last paragraph indicates the summary or condensed explanation of the things discussed in the text. Skim and rewrite the last paragraph of the text.
One final tip: When using the pre-reading survey, make sure that you apply a note-taking strategy to organize your notes properly. To boost your IELTS review online training even more, below is a list of note-taking techniques:

·         Charting Method
·         Cornell Method
·         Sentence Method
·         Continuum Scale
·         Box and Bullet Method

Do you want to know more about these note-taking strategies? Check out our blog archives!
Still looking for more study tips and strategies? Go to the nearest IELTS review center and get your ideal IELTS package today. Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more great test-taking techniques!


“Improving Reading Comprehension.” Education Corner. Accessed December 05, 2018.

"Improving Your Reading Skills." University of Leicester. March 07, 2013. Accessed December 05, 2018.

"Understand the Reading Test." IELTS International English Language Test System. Accessed December 05, 2018.

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