IELTS Hacks: Learning About the Three Ws of Goal Setting

For students and exam takers, setting a study goal is essential as it helps them establish their time and focus on their studies. Generally, there are two types of study goals, short-term goals, and long-term goals. Short-term goals are goals that you want to achieve soon (in a week or two), and long-term goals are those you want to accomplish in a more extended period. As a student enrolled in an IELTS online course review program, setting a realistic study goal is also important as it gives you the opportunity to achieve IELTS exam success.

IELTS online course review

However, not all study goals are suitable for your learning style. Your study goals must be clear, measurable and in line with what you desire to achieve academically. To guide you on more, read and follow these three Ws of goal setting that you can apply in your IELTS online course review program:
  •         WRITE 
The best way to set up a study goal is committing your goals to writing. By writing down your study goals, you can achieve the following:

§  Guarantees that you don’t get distracted by other opportunities and endeavors that might come up.
§  Helps you to overcome resistance and to stay focused on what’s most important for accomplishing your study goals.
§  Motivates you to take action steps towards achieving your study goals.
§  Guides you on how to achieve your study goals.
§  Ensures that you know what and when you’re going to accomplish your study goals.
  • WHAT
Each study goal must state precisely what you expect to achieve. Vague study goals that lack focus, and are not clear and measurable, are ineffective and difficult to accomplish. When setting up your study goals, think hard what will be your study goal is all about and why is it important for you to achieve.
  • WHEN
Determine when you will accomplish each goal. Setting a realistic deadline enables you to think about what it will take for you to achieve a specific study goal.

Here is an example of a good study goal that you can use in your IELTS package:

I will study the components of the IELTS writing sub-test (what you will do) on the third day of my study sessions (when you will accomplish the goal).

Still seeking for more study tips and strategies? Enroll now in an IELTS online review and get the best IELTS package that suits your learning style.

“Planning for Success with Goals.” GoConqr. Accessed May 31, 2018.

“Setting and Achieving Goals.” Education Corner | Education That Matters. Accessed May 31, 2018.

Watanabe-Crockett, L. “10 Best Tips for Achieving Study Goals for Exam Time.” Global Digital Citizen Foundation. Oct. 13, 2016. Accessed May 31, 2018.

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